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Georgiana Cosmina Dinu says cheerfully that she loves his Teddy bear and she likes fishing. Unfortunately, since 2 years and a half, the things she loves doing were overshadowed by a cruel disease. Innocently, Georgiana says that she has only a “small sore”. The same like last time. In this way she succeeds in encouraging her parents to keep on fighting together.
Although Georgiana is only 6 years old, she suffers from a terrible disease: neuroblastoma, briefly brain tumour.
Georgiana desperately needs our help to survive!
The last 2 years and a half from Georgiana’s life
Georgiana underwent 3 surgeries to extirpate the giant tumour from her brain, she made 13 sessions of chemotherapy, 30 sessions of radiotherapy and a gamma knife radiotherapy session. The first surgery took place on April 23rd, 2007, exactly on her name day.
On January 31st, 2008, Georgiana was urgently hospitalized at Elias Hospital in Bucharest with headache and tremor of inferior right limb. On February 12, 2008, Georgiana underwent the second surgery: the quasi-total ablation of the tumour.
Upon the doctors’ recommendation, parents tried to take Georgiana to a clinic in France, Hopital d’Enfants de la Timone Marseille, where a treatment against this disease was possible. The price for such a treatment was beyond any expectation: EUR 280,000!!!
For two months, her parents and the people who wanted to help them tried to obtain the financing of the treatment through the E 112 Form, but the demand was rejected. The reason of the rejection was based on the fact that the patient could also be treated in Romania. The next step was to raise the necessary amount through humanitarian actions. Unfortunately, they were not successful.
On September 15th, 2009, Georgiana felt sick again. The medical investigations indicated intracranial hypertension. On September 22nd Georgiana underwent a new surgery – partial ablation of the tumour.
Her latest diagnosis is: cerebral sympathoblastoma / supratentorial PNET relapsed, surgically removed, radio-chemotherapy treated; tumoral rest radiosurgically treated.
Georgiana still has a chance!
Photo by Alexandra Dinca
Everything that could be done in Romania has been already done. Georgiana’s parents have again received the recommendation to send their child to a clinic in Hanover or Istanbul, for a radiotherapy treatment called Cyberknife, a non-invasive procedure used in tumours treatment (cancerous and non-cancerous). Neither this treatment cost can be sustained by the Romanian State. The doctors say that this treatment must be done until the end of this year.
The estimated price for this treatment, at one of these clinics, is around 30.000 Euros. For some of us this amount of money is not so big, but for Georgiana’s parents it is huge taking into account their limited incomes and the time which is running against the life of their own child.
Photo by Alexandra Dinca
Georgiana’s parents hope that they will find people willing to help their child to survive.
How can we help Georgiana?
We can together contribute to this humanitarian effort by:
- forwarding this message to every person who can help Georgiana
- offering a useful information
- considering a small donation.
For donations, the family accounts are:
Raiffeisen Bank – Buzau Branch
RON: RO15 RZBR 0000 0600 1014 7293
EURO: RO31 RZBR 0000 0600 1014 7296
Owner of the account: Dinu Cristian-Iulian (Georgiana’s father)
You have the possibility to get involved in Georgiana’s saving campaign, do not hesitate! Georgiana’s life is in our hands!
Note: Text partially provided by and
Media history of the case
25th March, 2008 -
26th March, 2008:
2nd April 2008 -
15th May 2008 -
22nd Decembre 2008 -
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